Year-Round Golf Program
We have partnership on a year-round basis with one area golf club that offers our members the opportunity to play year-round outside of the normal reciprocal season.
Southwest Florida Reciprocal Program
Pelican Isle Yacht Club participates in the Southwest Florida Reciprocal Program annually. This program is an exchange of reciprocity with other yacht, golf and country clubs in the Southwest Florida area.
Florida Council of Yacht Clubs 
As a FCYC member yacht club, Pelican Isle Yacht Club Equity Members enjoy reciprocal dockage, social, and dining privileges at other private, member owned yacht clubs located throughout the state of Florida that are members of the Council. Members may visit the clubs either by car or by boat. Visit their website at to learn more.
Yachting Club of America 
Membership to a collection of over 700 yacht clubs located throughout the United States and Virgin Islands which offers reciprocal privileges. A directory of all member clubs and a full description of their offerings can be found online at
International Order of the Blue Gavel
The mission of the IOBG is to recognize Past Commodores of the international yachting community and reunite them in order to promote the highest ideals of yachting and preserve it's customs and traditions through social, education and humanitarian programs. Visit their website at to learn more.
Platinum Clubs of America 
Pelican Isle Yacht Club is proud to announce that the Club has been selected again as a Platinum Club of America 2016-2018. Platinum Club recognition is the most respected award in the Private Club industry with only the top 5% of Private Clubs receiving Platinum Status. Platinum Clubs of America is managed by Club Leaders Forum. Pelican Isle is ranked #7 out of the top 30 Private Yacht Clubs in America. For more information, please click here.
Platinum Clubs of the World 
Pelican Isle Yacht Club is proud to announce that the Club has been selected as a Top 50 Platinum Club of the World 2020-2021. This is an inaugural ranking of worldwide Yacht Clubs by the Club Leaders Forum. Yacht Clubs have been recognized in the Platinum Clubs of America elections for more than 20 years. Platinum Club recognition is the most respected award in the Private Club industry. For more information, please click here.
National Club Association 
For more than 60 years, the National Club Association (NCA) has provided private clubs with a voice on Capitol Hill. NCA is the only organization dedicated to advancing the legislative, legal and regulatory interests of private clubs throughout the United States.
NCA supports members by providing a comprehensive collection of resources, unmatched insights into innovations and trends affecting the club industry and high-value learning and networking experiences that help club leaders to effectively manage and govern their clubs. Visit their website at to learn more.
Marine Industries Association of Collier County 
A nonprofit organization whose mission is to:
- Represent the Collier County marine industry
- Promote and protect recreational boating
- Promote every citizen's right to access Florida's waterways
- Protect and enhance Collier County's waterways
- Promote Collier County's fishing as a tourism attraction
- Promote boating safety and education
Visit their website at to learn more.
Southwest Florida Marine Industries Association 
Southwest Florida Marine Industries Association (SWFMIA) is made of a broad range of member businesses with an interest in recreational boating. New Boat & Motor Dealers, Boat Manufacturers, Yacht Brokers, Marina and Service Yards, Marine Service providers of all kinds, Marine Electronics sales and service, Metal Fabricators, Boat Lift Manufacturers and dealers, and many other related businesses.
The association plays an active role in the local community and has, for more than forty years, worked to protect the rights both of the boating consumer and member businesses. Visit their website at to learn more.
Estuary Conservation Association 
Vision: ECA envisions a thriving and robust Cocohatchee River estuary that sustains wildlife and provides an outstanding and enjoyable recreational experience.
Mission: ECA encourages environmental stewardship for the Cocohatchee River estuary that fosters a balance of nature and community through science, education, safe navigation and local action. Visit their website at to learn more.
Naples Chamber of Commerce 
The Greater Naples Chamber of Commerce is the largest of 25 chambers in the five-county Southwest Florida region, recognized as among the best of the 300 chambers in Florida. The Chamber's primary purpose is to foster business advancement and advocate effective government policy to ensure a healthy business climate. Visit their website at to learn more.